
Mantle Rock, Kimberlites, related samples & Petrographic Thin Sections

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Conditions of Sale

Mineralogy samples from the Earth's mantle are some of the rarest and most difficult geologic materials for educators, collectors and the scientific community to acquire. The samples listed are offered on a first-come, first serve basis and guaranteed to be exactly as described. All major credit cards accepted including PayPal. Checks are welcome but please email us first so that we may confirm availability and hold the material until your check arrives.


Questions on any specimens?


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Lac de Gras Kimberlite thin section

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Lac de Gras Kimberlite photomicrograph

Kimberlite, Lac de Gras Kimberlite field, NWT, Canada {short description of image}

Lac de Gras Kimberlite in protective display case..

The Lac de Gras kimberlite field is a group of Late Cretaceous to Eocene age diatremes in the Northwest Territories, Canada. Within this field are located two world class diamond mines called Ekati and Diavik. This diamondiferous kimberlite is from the Diavik open pit mine. In this specimen: lots of phenocrysts of olivine, pyrope garnet serpententinized in an olivine-rich matrix.

Offered in polished slices, micromounts
Polished slices, in a 2"x2" plastic case, $32.00
Micromount specimen in a 1" plastic case, $20.00
Thin section microscope slide, $46.00

Specimen# 21-39

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Analcime-phyric phonolite lava in thin section

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Photomicrograph of Analcime-phyric phonolite lava groundmass.

Analcime-phyric phonolite lava, Crowsnest Volcanics, Blairmore, Alberta, Canada {short description of image}

Phonolite lava in display case.

The Crowsnest Volcanics is in southwestern Alberta. Canada This is a deposit of solid rock and ash, probably from a volcanic vent just north of Coleman, AB, where volcanic deposits are over 425 metres thick. There is no discernible vent now, but debris thins in every direction from that spot. This is a fresh piece from this 90 myr - old volcano. Mineralogy includes analcime, aegirine, melanite, and sanidine.

Offered in polished slices, micromounts, and thin sections:
Polished slices, in a 2"x2" plastic case, $32.00
Micromount specimen in a 1" plastic case, $20.00
Thin section microscope slide, $52.00

Specimen# 22-37

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Dubawnt , ultrapotassic dyke lamproite in thin section

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Dubawnt , ultrapotassic dyke kimberlite groundmass image.

Lamproite, Dubawnt , ultrapotassic dyke, Hudson Bay, Nunavut, Canada
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Dubawnt , ultrapotassic dyke kimberlite in protective case.

This is diamondiferous lamproite from the Akluilak dyke, a part of the Dubawnt ultrapotassic dike swarn west of Hudson Bay, Nunavut, Canada and is thought to be associated with the magmatic event responsible for the formation of the Proterozoic (1850 Ma) Christopher Island Formation volcanics

Offered in polished slices, micromounts, and thin sections:
Polished slices, in a 2"x2" plastic case, $32.00
Micromount specimen, in a 1" plastic case, $20.00
Thin section microscope slide, $48.00


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Nepheline Syenite in thin section

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.Groundmass photomicrograph, Nepheline Syenite

Nepheline Syenite with Strontio-loparite, Salitre I alkaline intrusion, Minas Gerais, Brazil {short description of image}

Nepheline syenite in display case.

From the legendary mining locality of Minas Gerais, Brazil, at the Salitre I alkaline intrusion, this rock contains a rare mineral association on Earth - alkali feldspar coexisting with perovskite. Normally the silica content of feldspar-bearing rocks is too high for perovskite but the Sr and REE content of the rock is so high the stability field of perovskite is expanded. So, why so unusual and rare? Perovskite is commonly found associated with very anorthite-rich feldspar in anhydrous LUNAR basalts!

Offered in polished slices, micromounts, and thin sections:
Polished slices, in a 2'x2' plastic case, $32.00
Micromount, fragment in a 1" plastic case, $20.00
Thin section microscope slide, $48.00


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.Kimberlite, Chicken Park Pipe in thin section.

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Groundmass photomicrograph, Kimberlite, Chicken Park Pipe.

Kimberlite, Chicken Park Pipe, Red Feathers Lake, Larimer County, Colorado, USA {short description of image}

Chicken Park Kimberlite in display case.

Great name, great locality, colorful rock! Chicken Park kimberlite, near Red Feathers Lake, Northern Colrado, USA, has an emplacement age of 614.5 my. The kimberlite was initially found during coarse sampling with a backhoe at around a one meter depth. Colorful garnet studded kimberlites in each sample.

Offered in polished slices, micromounts, and thin sections:
Polished slices, in a 2"x2" plastic case, $28.00
Micromount specimen in a 1" plastic case, $18.00
Thin section microscope slide, $44.00


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Balsam Gap Dunite in thin section.

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Groundmass photomicrograph of Balsam Gap Dunite

Dunite, Balsam Gap, Jackson County, North Carolina, USA {short description of image}

Balsam Gap Dunite in display case.

The Balsam Gap, North Carolina, USA, dunite mineral assemblage is greater than 90% olivine, with minor amounts of other minerals such as pyroxene, chromite and pyrope. Dunite, the olivine-rich end-member of the peridotite group of mantle-derived rocks, is rarely found within continental rocks. Dunite from Balsam Gap is believed to have occurred at the base of an ophiolite sequence where slabs of mantle rock from a subduction zone were been thrust onto continental crust by obduction during continental collisions.

Offered in polished slices, micromounts, and thin sections:
Polished slices, in a 2"x2" plastic case, $28.00
Micromount specimen in a 1" plastic case, $20.00
Thin section microscope slide, $48.00


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Spinel Lherzolite in thin section.

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Groundmass photomicrograph of Spinel Lherzolite

Spinel Lherzolite, Mt. Leura, Newer Volcanics Province, Victoria, Australia {short description of image}

Spinel Lherzolite in display case.

This is an extremely attractive, coarse-grained, superfresh (had enough adjectives?!?!) spinel Ilerzolite with abundant chrome diopside inclusions. It's a very nice Australian xenolith from Mt Leura ( the name means "big nose" in local aboriginal dialect), Victoria, Australia. .

Offered in polished slices, micromounts, and thin sections:
Angular section in a 2"x2" plastic case, $34.00
Micromount specimen in a 1" plastic case, $18.00
Thin section microscope slide, $48.00


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Chromite-rich Dunite in thin section

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Groundmass image of chromite-rich dunite

Chromite-rich Dunite, Springer's Hill, Lewis massif, Newfoundland {short description of image}

Chromite-rich dunite in display case.

The Bay of Islands complex in western Newfoundland is one of the world's best-known ophiolites, and has generally been interpreted as a fragment of ocean floor and the underlying mantle that has been uplifted or emplaced on the eastern margin of North America. This is another great-locality dunite from Springer's Hills, Lewis massif, Bay of Islands Ophiolite, Newfoundland. It's heavily studded with chromite on an altered oliving matrix.

Offered in polished slices, micromounts, and thin sections:
Polished slices, in a 2'x2' plastic case, $38.00
Micromount specimen in a 1" plastic case, $20.00
Thin section microscope slide, $58.00


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kimberlite,ugandite in thin section

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kimberlite-ugandite groundmass.

Kimberlite Ugandite, Mount
Moroto, Karamoja region, Uganda
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Ugandite Kimberlite in display case.

This kimberlite-ugandite, with lots of fresh olivine macrocrysts, is from Mount Moroto which lies in northeast Uganda in the Karamoja region. It is one of a chain of volcanoes along the border with Kenya. The volcanic fields of Southwest Uganda and the adjoining part of the Belgian Congo are characterized by ultrabasic potassic rocks. The principal rock types are katungite, ugandite (kimberlite with leucite), and mafurite.

Offered in polished slices, micromounts, and thin sections:
Polished slices, in a 2"x2" plastic case, $38.00
Micromount specimen in a 1" plastic case, $20.00
Thin section microscope slide, $48.00


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Archean Karelian Craton kimberlite in thin section

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Archean Karelian Craton kimberlite groundmass

Kimberlite, Archean Karelian Craton, Pipe 1, Finland {short description of image}

Archean Karelian Craton Kimberlite in display case.

Over twenty-four intrusive bodies, mostly kimberlitic diatremes, but also including hypabyssal kimberlites, olivine lamproites and ultramafic lamprophyres are being studied within the Archean Karelian Craton in Finland. Kimberlites from the Karelian Craton exhibit typical mineralogy of Group I kimberlites including abundant macrocrysts of olivine, picroilmenite, Cr-diopside, pyrope garnet; phenocrysts of olivine and microphenocrysts of monticellite, perovskite and spinel in a calcite + serpentine matrix.

Offered in polished slices, micromounts, and thin sections:
Polished slices, in a 2"x2" plastic case, $33.00
Micromount specimen in a 1" plastic case, $20.00
Thin section microscope slide, $48.00


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Alkali Olivine Basaltin thin section

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Alkali Olivine Basalt groundmass.

Alkali Olivine Basalt, Central Island, Lake Turkana, Northern Kenya, Africa {short description of image}

Alkali Olivine basalt in display case.

Alkali olivine basalts from the Turkana rift (a part of the East African Rift System) are a by-product of continental rifting. This sample is dominated by large, glassy olivine and titanaugite phenocrysts, both euhedral and rounded.

Offered in polished slices, micromounts, and thin sections:
Polished slices, in a 2"x2" plastic case, $28.00
Micromount, fragment in a 1" plastic case, $18.00
Thin section microscope slide, $48.00


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Deformed Harzburgite thin section.

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Deformed Harzburgite groundmass

Deformed Harzburgite, Lewis Hills Massif, Bay of Islands Ophiolite, Newfoundland, Ophiolite, Newfoundland {short description of image}

Deformed harzburgite in display case.

This is a great specimen, deformed harzburgite - from below the petrological Moho boundary!. It consists of ribbons of relatively soft orthopyroxene around rounded olivine grains.Ophiolite harzburgite is a variety of peridotite, which are thought to represent oceanic crust and the underlying oceanic mantle exposed during collision with continental crust.

Offered in polished slices, micromounts, and thin sections:
Polished slices, in a 2"x2" plastic case, $38.00
Micromount specimen in a 1" plastic case, $20.00
Thin section microscope slide, $58.00


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Alnoite, Mount Moroto thin section

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Alnoite, Mount Moroto groundmass

Alnoite, Mount Moroto, Karamoja region, Uganda {short description of image}

Alnoite in display case.

Alnoites (called after the island of Alno in Norway) are rare rocks. They are a subgroup of lamprophyres. Alnoites contain olivine, augite, brown biotite and melilite, are free from felspar, and contain very low percentages of silica. They are essentially "dike rocks," occurring as dikes and thin sills, and are also found as marginal facies of plutonic intrusions. Alnoites have a close association with nepheline or leucite syenites and similar rocks rich in alkalies.

Offered in polished slices, micromounts, and thin sections:
Polished slices, in a 2"x2" plastic case, $32.00
Micromount specimen in a 1" plastic case, $20.00
Thin section microscope slide, $48.00


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Cumberlandite in thin section

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Cumberlandite groundmass

Cumberlandite, porphyritic titaniferous magnetite melatroctolite, Cumberland, Rhode Island, USA {short description of image}

Cumberlandite in display case.

Cumberlandite is not kimberlitic but it is a rare mixing of mineralogy from an extinct volcano that presents itself in only one place on Earth. It's an ultrabasic igneous rock, transitional to peridotite, from Cumberland, Rhode Island. The rock is greenish black and shows large, white plagioclase crystals in a black granular groundmass. A hand lens shows some labradorite, olivine, magnetite, ilmenite, and accessory spinel. The olivine forms nearly half the rock and is set in a matrix of the other minerals, 40 percent or more of the rock being ilmenite and magnetite. The whitish-gray patches are single large crystals of plagioclase feldspar. The black component is the finely-crystalline groundmass, consisting of magnetite, ilmenite, and olivine (partially serpentinized by orogenic events).

Offered in polished slices, micromounts, and thin sections:
Polished slices, in a 2"x2" plastic case, $28.00
Micromount, fragment in a 1" plastic case, $18.00
Thin section microscope slide, $40.00


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Bergen Arcs eclogite thin section.

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Bergen Arcs eclogite groundmass

Eclogite, Bergen Arcs , Norway {short description of image}

Eclogite in display case.

The Bergen Arcs in Norway are famous for rare and rather beautiful rocks known as eclogites. Striking, coarse-grained, and characterized by large pink garnets and a greenish matrix rich in silicates known as pyroxene

Offered in polished slices, micromounts, and thin sections:
Polished slices, in a 2"x2" plastic case, $38.00
Micromount, fragment in a 1" plastic case, $20.00
Thin section microscope slide, $48.00


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Moses Rock dike kimberlite thin section

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Moses Rock dike kimberlite groundmass

Kimberlite, Moses Rock dike, Navajo Field, Utah, USA {short description of image}

Kimberlite in display case.

The Moses Rock dike lies in the eastern part of Monument Valley, about 5 miles southeast of Mexican Hat, Utah, near the center of the Colorado Plateau Province, where sedimentary rocks of Paleozoica and Mesozoica age are exposed. Kimberlite was emplaced as large, discrete, angular rocks within the dike.

Offered in polished slices, micromounts, and thin sections:
Polished slices, in a 2"x2" plastic case, $32.00
Micromount specimen in a 1" plastic case, $20.00
Thin section microscope slide, $48.00

Specimen# 36-56

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Olivine phlogopite lamproite thin section

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Olivine phlogopite lamproite groundmass

Olivine phlogopite lamproite, Froze to Death Butte, Montana, USA {short description of image}

Olivine phlogopite lamproite in display case.

This is a complex rock, chock full of xenocrysts and xenoliths, large olivine xenoliths of mantle origin, a matrix rich in phlogopite and containing perovskite, and finally, if all the above is not enough harzburgitic xenocrysts!

Offered in polished slices, micromounts:
Polished slices, in a 2"x2" plastic case, $28.00
Micromount specimen in a 1" plastic case, $18.00
Microscope thin section $48.00


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Mirny Mine kimberlite thin section

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Mirny Mine kimberlite.

Kimberlite, Mirny Mine, Mirny, Eastern Siberia, Russia {short description of image}

Siberian Kimberlite in display case.

Mirny Mine is an open pit diamond mine located in Mirny, Eastern Siberia, Russia. The mine is 525 meters (1,720 ft) deep and has a diameter of 1,200 m and is the second largest excavated hole in the world, after Bingham Canyon Mine. The airspace above the mine is closed for helicopters because of a few incidents in which they were sucked in by the downward air flow. Kimberlite indicator minerals include red garnet, chromium diopside, and yellow-green olivine throughout the groundmass. A very hard locality to acquire.

Offered in polished slices, micromounts, and thin sections:
Polished slices, in a 2"x2" plastic case, $38.00
Micromount specimen in a 1" plastic case, $20.00
Thin section microscope slide, $48.00


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Harzburgite, Mantle Xenolith thin section

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Harzburgite, Mantle Xenolith groundmass.

Harzburgite, Mantle Xenolith, Kimberly South Africa, Chromium-diopside rich! {short description of image}

Harzburgite in display case.

This Harzburgite is one of the most attractive specimens of mantle rock. It's an ultramafic igneous rock and a variety of peridotite. It's matrix is studded with green inclusions of chromium diopside. The locality is from the Kaapval Craton, in Kimberley, South Africa.

Offered in polished slices, micromounts, and thin sections:
Polished slices, in a 2"x2" plastic case, $33.00
Micromount, fragment in a 1" plastic case, $20.00
Thin section microscope slide, $48.00


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Alkali olivine basalt in thin section

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Alkali olivine basalt groundmass.

Alkali olivine basalt, Lenderut, Kenya {short description of image}

Alkali olivine basalt in display case.

Lenderut is an eroded alkali basalt center on the floor of the East African Rift in southern Kenya. Its age is approximately 5 myrs. This specimen, a medium-grained intrusive rock, contains titanaugite, plagioclase, magnetite, and olivine; the olivine appears to be about 20% altered but all other minerals are pristine.

Offered in polished slices, micromounts:
Polished slices, in a 2"x2" plastic case, $30.00
Micromount, fragment in a 1" plastic case, $20.00
Thin section, microscope slide, $48.00




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