
Petrology Slides and Mantle Rocks

On-Line Catalog, January 2025

Questions on any specimens?

Mineralogy samples from the Earth's mantle are some of the rarest and most difficult geologic materials for educators, collectors and the scientific community to acquire. The samples listed are offered on a first-come, first serve basis and guaranteed to be exactly as described. Credit cards - Mastercard and Visa accepted including PayPal. Checks are welcome but please email us first so that we may confirm availability and hold the material until your check arrives.
 Rare mineralogy in thin section {short description of image}
 Mantle and mantle-related mineralogy {short description of image}
 Natural Diamond Crystals, mantle derived {short description of image}
 Extraterrestrial Mineralogy - Meteorites {short description of image}
Antique thin sections {short description of image}